As I begin my ninth month of pregnancy I have noticed an increase in my DRD symptoms. This morning my right hand has been giving me more trouble than usual. I think I have dropped my car keys three times and I spilled a glass of lemonade (all before 11am). Just call me "Butterfingers!" I've even noticed my hands cramping up and I never had issues with that in the past.
I can't help but think the reason for this is my lack of sleep. My body doesn't make enough Dopamine so I need to supplement it with medication. With my increase of weight, I won't disclose the details of that ha ha , I think the medication must not be enough to really take care of my issues. The good news is that I only have about three weeks left and then I can hold my little boy in my arms. It will totally be worth everything I've had to experience in the past few months. We are all so very excited!!
I really enjoyed painting Winona's finger nails this morning before school. It was nice to be able to have the dexterity to take off her old polish and give her the new bright color that she wanted. It's the little things that matter most in life.
Well, I'm nearly nine months pregnant and very tired. The laundry doesn't cease and the family still needs to eat dinner. Yet, I am still able to do it! As the family and I watched a movie tonight, I was asked to make popcorn. At first I thought, "You've got to be kidding me." Then I thought back to when I was pregnant with Winona over ten years ago.
Back when I was pregnant with Winona, Steve had to drive me to and from work because I could not do so myself. He would bring me back to our one level Georgia home, help me into my pajama's, give me a quick dinner and then he would head off to Atlanta for his graduate classes. As for me, I would have to spend the rest of the night in bed, because I physicality couldn't move any more for the day. This was a really difficult time for me, but I not only made it, but I brought a wonderful girl into the world by doing so. So, even though I didn't feel like making popcorn, I did; because 10 years ago Steve took care of me without any complaints. Everyday is a gift and I must give thanks for being able to make my family happy on movie night at the Abbott's. Well, I have six weeks to go until I meet my baby boy. I am trying to keep a positive attitude. I have so much to be thankful for even though I'm not enjoying being pregnant (not that I thought I would).
When I was pregnant with the girls, I really wasn't able to do anything for myself. I couldn't cook, walk or even buckle my own seat belt. I am trying desperately to remind myself of all the little things I can do 8 months pregnant that I could never do before. Yes, the heart burn is a pain and dealing with being light headed each morning is difficult, but it will all be worth it in the end. I just need to remind myself that this is much easier than my other two pregnancies. Plus, there is a little boy waiting to meet his mommy. Luckily, that woman is me! It's really hard to believe that I was diagnosed nearly two years ago. Good Friday will mark the day that changed my life forever. I was so skeptical that day. I wasn't even going to fill the prescription thinking that there was no way I would ever live a 'normal' life, but here I am doing exactly that.
People often ask me if I'm angry that it took the doctors so long to correctly diagnosis me (33 years). I don't know how I could possibly be angry that I now have so many more capabilities. If it wasn't for the correct diagnosis, I would not be pregnant with my third child. How do I answer their question? The answer is simple, at least it is to me. I grew up as a very happy girl in an unbelievable loving and supportive family. My parents pushed me to do things that were physically challenging, yet I always gave it my best. Plus, I always had a lot of good friends. It was all of my life experiences (good and bad) that made me the person I am today and I like me. Who knows who I would be today if I didn't grow up with the wrong diagnosis. I have to be honest though, I don't know if she would have been as happy as I am. Why? I probably wouldn't have gone to Winona State University where I met my wonderful husband, Steve. Therefore, I wouldn't have my daughter's Winona and Sharon. Everything that I had to endure to make me the person I am today was well worth it!! Thanks for all of the support! I look forward to sharing even more with you over the next year. |
August 2020