Wow! How can it be six years already?
So much has changed these past few years. I love that I only need to take 3 pills a day, compared to the 15! I love that I've been able to share my story with the world and help others receive a correct diagnosis, like me. And I LOVE that Steve and I were able to have a third child, our beautiful John. So much has changed, yet, the love and support from my family continues to grow. I feel so much warmth in my heart as I reflect on this on such a holy weekend. Good Friday and Easter Sunday will never be the same for me again. I never believed that a new medication would be the answer to my prayers. And I certainly never believed that I would be able to live a life of independence. How lucky am I?! I've had numerous people who have read my memoir reach out to me and say, "I will never look at Easter the same again." On this six year anniversary or should I say birthday, I will continue to give thanks for all that God has given me as well as how much Jesus sacrificed for me...for us. May you feel a closeness to the Lord on this very special weekend. Happy Easter!
![]() I'm really not sure where the time has gone. How can it be that my baby is 13 today? It feels like yesterday, that I was miserable being pregnant and nervous to give birth. My spastic muscles made carrying a baby for 9 months extremely difficult. I had horrible morning sickness that really lasted all day long and my walking was extremely limited. Plus, Steve had to do nearly everything for me: get me dressed, help me use the bathroom and feed me. My independence was gone, but I'd do it all over again because the result was one of the best gifts that God has ever given me...Winona. Sure, pregnancy was difficult and felt like it would NEVER end, but it's something that not everyone is able to experience, no matter how much they want to. In fact, a friend of my husband has been trying to have a baby, but it just hasn't happened for them. Therefore, they are seeking out someone who is looking for a great family for their child. In fact, they have created a FB page in order to share their story and hopefully find a baby. Please click the button (as well as share) below to read about this wonderful couple who are hoping to adopt. I would love nothing more for them to experience the love that a child can bring to a family. I'm overwhelmed. There's no doubt about it. I spent the last two days unpacking and doing laundry (we spent 5 days up at the cabin over Thanksgiving) all while running after a toddler. I try to keep my stress levels down by going to the YMCA, but taking care of a family with three children is a lot of work. I know I have so much to be thankful for and count my blessings every night before I go to bed. I don't seem to ever finish giving thanks since I always seem to fall asleep first. I am beyond grateful that I have the physical capabilities to do all the things that stress me out. I know that sounds silly, but now that I can do more, it adds a stress that I never had to deal with in the past. Luckily, I have people in my life who offer help (ie: A basketball parent brought Winona home from practice tonight). I also have people in my life who offer words of encouragement which always makes life easier. The best part is that I have two daughters that make the world a better place (corny, I know) and help me out immensely with John. I will get through this holiday season with a smile on my face. And I will be sure thank God throughout the day for everyone He sends my way.
Last weekend we visited an apple orcahrd. I was able to walk freely down the rows of trees and even pick a few apples. It amazes me what I am able to do these days and can't help but feel blessed.
The girls and I made two pans of apple crisp. Can you believe that I had never made this popular american dessert before? I was never able to peel and cut this fruit. The best part was the Steve said it was the best apple crisp that he's ever had. Life is a gift and I intend to really appreciate all the good things that God continues to send my way. ![]() This past weekend we went up to the Boundary Waters and stayed at a cabin on Moose Lake. While there, we spent a day fishing. We met our fishing guide, Sue, at the dock at 8am and didn't return until nearly 7pm. This was a first for me and prior to our departure, I wasn't a bit nervous. I knew that I would be able to sit in a rocking boat for several hours and walk into the woods to use the latrine. When we headed to shore for lunch (our guide brought a shore lunch), she asked me to jump out of the boat and hold it just enough so it wouldn't float away. I have to admit, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it and my sister-in-law, Emily, offered to do it for me. Even though I was uncertain of my abilities, I had to try and I knew that there was a good chance I would fall into the shallow water in the process. As soon as I got to the front of the boat and we were inches from shore, I put my right leg on land and quicly said, "I'm glad I've got long legs!" And that's when I just about did the splits over the water. I had one leg planted on the ground and the other still in the boat. I was able to get both legs on land without falling in the lake. I was proud that I attempted this task, but after lunch I asked Steve for help getting back into the boat. I wasn't about to press my luck and wanted to stay dry the rest of the afternoon I really enjoyed spending the day fishing, talking with Emily and getting to know Sue, all while watching the great view God had created. I must add, that I caught nine fish. Not bad for a rookey. Of course, I couldn't have done it without the help of Sue. |
August 2020