Last night Steve and I went to a dinner party for his work. Before we left, I took an extra dose of my medication assuming that I would be standing quite a bit through out the evening. I'm glad that I listened to my gut, because I found myself standing in a crowded room for well over an hour. Luckily for me, my balance was just fine and I didn't find myself swaying back and forth. I could not help but think back to all the parties I've been to in the past for Steve's work.
Back in the day, Steve would help me into the event and find me a chair to sit in. He would always stay by me, but we were never able to mingle with all the guests. Plus, I would always feel a little out of place being the only person not standing. Even though I didn't know anyone at the party last night, it was nice to know that I didn't stick out like a sore thumb. In fact, I don't know that anyone there even knew that there is something phsyically wrong with me. They don't know my past and probably won't ever know what I had to endure and I find that unbelievable. Thinking about that puts a smile on my face.
Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies with the girls. It was the first time I made cookies with out the help of my mom or Steve. I was always able to measure and mix the ingredients but I was never able to take the cookies in and out of the oven. Plus, I would have never been able to use a spatula to remove the cookies from the hot cookie sheets For the past week, I've been wanting to make cookies, but I really wanted to wait until the girls could do it with me. They did such a great job measuring and mixing and I was so happy that the three of us could make this memory together. It reminded me of being a little girl and helping my mom when she baked cookies. Those were some of the best times in my life and now I can do the same thing with my daughters.
The other day Sharon asked me to put her in a pony tail for school. Gladly, I had her sit down with me and did her hair. To most mom's this would be a chore. I was delighted that I could hold a brush with ease and wrap a rubber band into her hair. Not only was I able to do it, it looked really cute!
When the girls were toddlers I wasn't able to do their hair. It was always left up to either my mom or Steve. I never got to enjoy putting piggy tails in their hair. The fact is their too old for that now and I missed out. Of course, you know me; I have to look on the bright side. My husband is the BEST at doing little girls hair! I don't think there are too many dads that can put a pony tail in their daughters hair and my husband can even do braids! I know the girls won't look back and say, "my mom never did my hair." Instead, they will look back and know that their dad did a wonderful job making sure they left the house looking as cute as can be and I think that's wonderful. |
August 2020