I have to make this a quick post because John is getting into everything and I don't have the girls here to help watch him.
It's hard to believe that I have done so much this morning at it's only 9am! I just took banana bread out of the oven and my carmel rolls are almost done rising. It still amazes me that I can phsyically measure and stir ingrediants to make homemade baked goods. Plus, I'm doing it while stopping to get John out of trouble (he's one and into EVERYTHING). I love that I can take the time to enjoy all the sweet things in life. I am so blessed.
Yesterday the girls and I (along with my mom and John) went to the Ridgedale mall to shop for back to school clothes. We roamed the mall for nearly five hours and were sucessful in our search for the pefect pair of jeans for Winona and cute shirts for Sharon.
It is a great feeling to be able to walk without holding onto my mom or needing to use a mobility scooter. I can get in between those narrow paths of clothes so my mom doesn't have to bring everything to me in the big isle. Yesterday, I was able to dig through piles of jeans until we found Winona's size. Plus, I could assist Sharon is getting the shirts that were up high, so she could get a better look at them. I can't help but feel blessed to be able to shop independtly with my daugters. My mom always had to come with to help me. These days, I can call her to come shopping with us just for the fun of it! I love my mobility and will NEVER take it for granted. I have been feeling a bit stressed these past few days while thinking about my book that I desperatly want to finish. With stress, comes lack of sleep. Lack of sleep causes balance issues and issues with my hands ( I have dropped my keys many times this week, but that's okay.)
While being overwhelmded with the project of trying to review and edit my book, I can't help but pause and thank God for all of my blessing. When I go to bed I thank God for all He has given me and that helps calm me and really think about what is important in my life. I may want to write a successful book, but that will only happen if that is part of God's plan. If what I write will truely help others to apprecaite the little things in life, it will all work out. If it's not part of His plan, then that is just the way it's going to be. If I can go to bed at night and give thanks for my husband, healty children and my mobility, than there really isn't anything else I can ask for. As my dad always told my mom, "Everything will work out in the end." I don't think I could say it better myself. Yesterday while I was at the gym I talked to a woman who I see there regulary. Through our conversation it came out that she is 47 years old. I had always thought that she was no more than 40. I couldn't help but ask, "What's your secret?" She simply responded, "Be happy and have a positive attitued." I don't think I could have said it better myself.
Keeping a positive attitude is key to having a healthy, happy life, so I have a bit of a dare for you. Can you go one day without thinking or saying something negative? In todays world it's not easy, but I suggest that we both give it a try. So many people could benefit from this: our kids, spouse, co-workers and people driving down the road next to us. We can do it and we need to do it! Good luck and think positive! |
August 2020